TNPSC Group 2 Mains Study Plan & PDF Study Materials, Where to Study, Preparation Plan & Book List
Here, we are provided TNPSC Group 2 Mains Study Material PDF links for your study. It will be useful for your preparation for Group 2 Mains (Dedicated to TNPSC Aspirants). TNPSC Group 2 Mains Study Plan is fully based on Tamil Nadu TN School Textbooks. We are prepared a plan, based on the Official syllabus of TNPSC Group 2 Mains Exam. If you have any doubts regarding your tnpsc group 2 exam and preparation tips, ask in the comment box. We will answer as soon as possible.

Important Notes on TNPSC Group 2 Mains Exam
Hello Aspirants, Are you preparing for TNPSC Group 2 Mains Exam? Yes, means, kindly read the following instructions:
- The First and Main Source of the TNPSC Group 2 Mains Exam is Tamil Nadu State Government TN School Text Books i.e, Samacheer Kalvi School Books upto 12th std
- Cover all the subjects upto 12th standard such as Social Science, Science, Mathematics, History, Geography, Political Science, Indian Economy etc…
- In the preparation of the TNPSC Group 2 Mains Exam, don’t read the full textbook of Class 11th std & 12th std, just read the mentioned topics from the official TNPSC Group 2 Mains Syllabus.
- Here, we are given proper PDF Study Material Links of TNPSC Group 2 Exam for Mains.
- Download and Study Well
- If you have any doubts regarding your tnpsc group 2 mains exam and preparation tips, just freely ask in the comment box. we will answer as soon as possible.
- All the best…
The Important Book List of TNPSC Group 2 Mains Exam Preparation is fully given below based on New Syllabus. The First Round of TNPSC Group 2 Posts is the Preliminary Screening Test. And the Syllabus of TNPSC Group 2 covers the below mentioned topics. The recommended Best Books for TNPSC Group 2 Exam for both Tamil and English Medium Aspirants are given in this page. Kindly read the post detailly, whenever you buy the books. Before you buy the Books for your TNPSC Group 2 Exam smartly compare the price list of given books from different websites.
TNPSC Group 2 Mains Paper I
Tamil Language Compulsory & Eligibility – கட்டாயத் தமிழ் மொழித் தகுதித் தேர்வு
As earlier said, you should complete your basic preparations from the Tamil Nadu TNTextBooks classes 6th std to 10th std subjects including important topics from 11th and 12th standards. The Link is provided below.
Tamil Language Compulsory & Eligibility – TNPSC Group 2-2A Mains
TNPSC Group 2 Mains Paper II
Role and impact of science and Technology in the Development of India and Tamil Nadu
As earlier said, you should complete your basic preparations from the Tamil Nadu TNTextBooks classes 6th std to 10th std subjects including important topics from 11th and 12th standards. The Link is provided below.
TNPSC Group 2 Mains – Socio-Economic Issues in India and Tamil Nadu
Administration of Union and States with special reference to Tamil Nadu
As earlier said, you should complete your basic preparations from the Tamil Nadu TNTextBooks classes 6th std to 10th std subjects including important topics from 11th and 12th standards. The Link is provided below.
TNPSC Group 2 Mains – Administration of Union and States & Tamil Nadu
Socio ‐ Economic Issues in India/Tamil Nadu
As earlier said, you should complete your basic preparations from the Tamil Nadu TNTextBooks classes 6th std to 10th std subjects including important topics from 11th and 12th standards. The Link is provided below.
TNPSC Group 2 Mains – Role and Impact of Science & Technology in India & Tamil Nadu