TNPSC Group 1 Prelims & Mains Expected Cut off Marks 2024 along with analysis of Previous Year Cut off Marks
Every year, the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission is releasing the TNPSC Group 1 cut off marks after the successful completion of the examination. The Posts includes in the TNPSC Group 1 Exam like Deputy Collector, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Assistant Commissioner, etc. These TNPSC Group 1 Posts are highly respected posts. That is why there is high competition among lakhs of candidates to secure one of the few vacancies available in the exam.

For your kind information, the Last Date to Submit the online application is to be announced later. You should apply only through Online Mode. And the TNPSC Group 1 Exam Date is on the month of July 2024. The Publication of TNPSC Group 1 Prelims Result is on the month of December 2024. After the Group 1 Prelims Result 2024, the TNPSC Group 1 Mains 2024 will be held on. And the Result will be published on the month of August/September 2025. The Certificate Verification is to be held on the month of November 2025. Finally, the TNPSC Group 1 Oral Test and Counselling for Posts will be held on the month of December 2025.
- TNPSC Group 1 Selection Procedure & Exam Pattern will be useful to know the proper procedure of selection to Group 1 Posts. And the Exam Pattern will be helpful for your Group 1 Mains Preparation.
- TNPSC Group 1 Important Dates
- TNPSC Group 1 Prelims Study Plan & Study Materials
- TNPSC Group 1 Mains Study Plan & Study Materials
- TNPSC Group 1 Best Books
As per the Notification, the total numbers of TNPSC Group 1 Vacancy are 65 posts. TNPSC Group 1 Job Lists and Salary details 2024 are provided @tnpsc group 1 posts. The Group 1 Salary is varied according to the Level of Selection from the basic pay of Rs.20,000 to 36,900 related to various posts. Full Details are given for your reference. Kindly check the TNPSC Group 1 Post and Salary Details for more details about the exam.
How to calculate Group 1 Prelims Marks 2024?
They are various factors depending on the TNPSC Group 1 cut off marks 2024. They are the difficulty level of the question paper and the number of students appearing for the exam. This year the number of students appearing for the TNPSC Group 1 exam is high, so the expected marks is to be high as compared to the previous year. The expected TNPSC Cut Off Marks is plus or minus 5 marks (+ or – 5 marks) when compared to the previous year (range of 155 to 170 questions out of 200 questions).
After checking the tnpsc group 1 prelims cut off marks, candidates can check whether they qualify or not for the exam by simply checking their answers against the official answer key provided by TNPSC. The TNPSC Group-I prelim exam consists of 200 questions for a total of 300 marks. Each right answer carries 1.5 marks. Candidates can count the total number of right answers and multiply it by 1.5 to get their final prelim score.
After the Successful Completion of Group 1 Prelims Exam 2024, the Group 1 Prelims Cut Off marks will be analysed. Here, the expected TNPSC Group 1 Cut off Marks are given below. You can use for your reference to this year.
Categories | Expected Cut off (Male) | Expected Cut off (Female) |
General | 170 | 168 |
BC | 168 | 166 |
MBC | 165 | 164 |
BC (M) | 160 | 157 |
SC | 161 | 157 |
ST | 155 | 151 |
How to check Official Group 1 Prelims Marks?
On the official website of the TNPSC Commission, candidates can easily check the tnpsc group 1 prelims cut off marks 2024. You can follow the below-mentioned steps to know the cutoff.
- Open Google and Type TNPSC on your device (or) Click or Type this URL
- On the Right Hand Side, you have noticed the Results Link under the Apply online column
- On that, you can see a link to Cut off Marks in a drop-down menu
- When you click that, you are directed to the cut off marks page where notifications about cut-offs of different exams will be posted
- Search for the TNPSC Group 1 cut off marks link and click on it
- The document will be downloaded automatically on your device. You can now view the cut off marks from that document.
How to calculate Group 1 Mains Marks 2024?
The TNPSC Group 1 Mains exam has 3 descriptive type papers, each for 250 marks. There are no set rules for calculating the final marks for the mains exam. A lot of factors determine the scoring in descriptive type papers like structure, content, and relevance of the answer to the question. Candidates can, however, arrive at an estimate by self-assessing their responses and see whether they cross the TNPSC Group 1 mains marks or not.
There is no provision of negative marking in both of the stages.
The minimum Cut off marks for TNPSC Group 1 prelims is 90 for reserved candidates, and 120 for general candidates whereas the minimumCut off marks for TNPSC Group 1 mains is 340 for general candidates and 255 for candidates belonging to reserved categories.
VirkozKalvi app is good for TNPSC Group 1 Exam. They provide Syllabus, Old Question Papers, Topic-wise Syllabus based Study Materials. For your kind information download the app and use it.
The merit list of the TNPSC Group 1 2024 exam is to be released after the successful completion of TNPSC Group 1 Exam. It is expected on the month of December 2025. for more details @tnpsc group 1 exam
The various factors are depending on the TNPSC Group 1 cut off marks 2024. They are the difficulty level of the question paper and the number of students appearing for the exam. more details @group 1 cut off marks
The candidates can check the TNPSC Group I cut off marks at the official website of TNPSC. for more information about the TNPSC Group I Result… Click Here
Marks or no of questions